
18th August 2024: a Batteries Regulation deadline and more.

helmut.minor • Aug. 14, 2024

Timelines by envenance.

On the 18th August 2024 and also after the 2024 summer break some relevant EPR deadlines will become relevant across Europe and America:


Batteries Regulation (EU)  2023/1542

According to Article 96 of the Batteries Regulation, the 18th August 2024 marks a deadline for the implementation of rules that are stipulated in Article 17 (except Art 17 (2) ) and Chapter VI which includes Articles 38 to 46. Based on those articles, a range of requirements apply from that date onwards:


Article 10 regarding performance and durability requirements for rechargeable industrial batteries, LMT batteries and electric vehicle batteries:

Rechargeable industrial batteries with a capacity greater than 2 kWh, LMT batteries and electric vehicle batteries shall be accompanied by a document containing values for the electrochemical performance and durability parameters set out in Part A of Annex IV of the Batteries Regulation.


Article 12  regarding the safety of stationary battery energy storage systems:

Stationary battery energy storage systems placed on the market or put into service shall be safe during their normal operation and use. 2. By the 18 th August 2024, the technical documentation referred to in Annex VIII shall include the criteria as stipulated in Article 12, 2. a) to d).


Artikel 14  regarding the information on the state of health and expected lifetime of batteries:

 From the 18th August 2024, up-to-date data for the parameters for determining the state of health and expected lifetime of batteries as set out in Annex VII (electric vehicle batteries, stationary battery energy storage systems and LMT batteries) shall be contained in the battery management system of stationary battery energy storage systems, LMT batteries and electric vehicle batteries.



Denmark Packaging EPR

Based on the Order on registration and reporting of packaging in Denmark, companies who make packaging available on the Danish market have to register with the authority by the 31st August 2024. Danish companies need to make sure that their MitID Erhverv is coded accordingly. The appropriate packaging scheme can be selected in the course of the registration process.



Germany Packaging EPR

The German collective schemes for packaging accept a reference quantity adjustment of the annual volume forecast for licensed packaging for the current year by the 31st August 2024.

UK Packaging EPR

Large organisations (i.e. organizations with an annual turnover of more than £2 million and a responsibility for handling more than 50 tons of empty packaging or packaged goods in the UK need to collect and report packaging data for the period commencing the 1st January 2024 down to the 30th June 2024 and report starting on the 9th August 2024. The reporting deadline to the schemes varies between the 15th and 31st August 2024.

For producers that report non-household packaging, evidence needs to be filed in order to support the  assessment that the packaging is non-household. These evidences might be subject to inspection from the authorities.





Textiles France

Starting on the 25th August 2024, decorative textiles in France require the Triman marking.





The Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) that is named Circular Action Alliance (CAA) and which has the tasks to administer the Extended Producer Responsibility programs for packaging in Oregon is also designated for Colorado, California and Maryland.


Oregon Packaging EPR

Oregon’s paper and packaging EPR legislation, the Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act, is overseen by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. The authority required producers that are in scope of the legislation to join a PRO such as CAA by the 27th September 2024.  


Colorado’s Packaging EPR

On the basis of the Colorado House Bill 22–1355 the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)  requires producers to join a Producer Responsibility Organization such as CAA by the 1st October 2024.


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