
1st January 2024: repairing pays back.

helmut.minor • 28. Oktober 2023

France increases finanancial attraction for repairs.

The French legislation for a circular economy (AGEC) has launched a repair bonus back in December 2022 with the intention to have electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) repaired when it was no longer covered by a warranty. As a consequence, EEE was to extend its life span before turning into waste (WEEE).

The program will now be emphasized on different levels. As Christope Béchu, Minister for Ecological Transition has announced on the 20th October 2023, the intention of the French legislator is clearly to make repair more advantageous and more accessible and thus more effective in the measures against waste and planned obsolescence.

Starting on the 1st January 2024, the repair bonus will double for washing machines, dish washers, tumble dryers, vacuum cleaners and televisions. For a further twenty of EEE, the repair bonus will be increased by 5,- EURO. The entire list of eligible EEE will be expanded by 49 items and will now contain 73 equipment types. Furthermore, so-called “accidental breakage” (e.g. broken mobile screens) will become part of the eligibility criteria for the repair bonus.

The re-imbursement procedures for repair shops by eco-organizations will be streamlined for acceleration. Hence, from the 1st July 2024, the eco-organisations have to set up a single reimbursement platform.


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