
EPR in Denmark, France & UK: timelines by envenance

helmut.minor • Aug. 18, 2023

Automn 2023 and beyond.

Reaching the end of the summer period, the following timelines are coming up.


1st October 2023: UK Packaging EPR

This date marks the first reporting deadline for large producers under the new UK EPR scheme for packaging.


15th October 2023: France Packaging

The packaging scheme CITEO has extended the deadline for the provision of the packaging waste prevention plans (plan de prevention) that are part of the AGEC legislation in France to this date.


1st January 2024: France Decree 2022-748, Article R541-222

The beginning of the new year marks the start of the obligation for producers of building products and materials, toys and motor vehicles in France to publish product information related to environmental criteria on a dedicated web site.

For WEEE, a new visible communication of the durability index now applies additionally to the already existing repairability index.

The Decree 2022-748 applies for companies with an annual revenue above 20 million Euro per year who put at least 10.000 units onto the national market in France.


1st January 2024: UK Packaging EPR

Small producers have now the possibility to create a packaging EPR account.


31st March 2024: UK Packaging EPR

Large producers have to report packaging data for the previous period. The deadline for the report for small producers is the 1st April 2024.


Q1 2024: Denmark Packaging EPR

Producers that fall into the scope of the new packaging regulations have to choose their packaging compliance scheme.


Q4 2024: UK Packaging EPR

Material categories and packaging formats need to be reported in further details.

1st January 2025: Denmark Packaging EPR

With the start of the new year the packaging EPR rules are in force in Denmark.

2025: UK Packaging EPR

Start of application of EPR packaging fees (deferred from 2024)


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