Since the 1st January 2022, the German WEEE legislation ElektroG obliges all producer and introducer of electrical and electronic equipment that are designed for other users than private households (B2B) to register a take-back concept within the central WEEE register Stiftung elektro-altgeräte-register (ear).
Companies that had been registered prior to the 1st January 2022 benefit from a transition period. However, the deadline for registration on the 30th June 2022 is now approaching.
When registering, the details of the details of the take-back concept need to be published. How can the end user access the infrastructure? Which logistics solution is in place? Do agreements exist with certified treatment facilities for WEEE? Is a service partner involved and what is his name and address?
Simply choose the logistics and recycling infrastructure from envenance. For Germany - and beyond.