
Last call for packaging registration in Denmark.

helmut.minor • Aug. 21, 2024

Timelines by envenance.

The Danish Authority Dansk Producent Ansvar ( ) highlights that the final deadline for companies that are in scope of the Danish packaging legislation is the 31st August 2024.

Existing companies subject to producer responsibility for Packaging must register no later than this date. Companies starting business or starting to put products that are in scope of the producer responsibility on the market after 31 August must register no later than 14 days before starting to put these products on the market.

The registration can be executed on the website of Dansk Producent Ansvar. Danish companies have to use the  MitID Erhverv which needs to be profiled with the right ”Producer responsibility: Business” so that a log onto the DPA registers is possible. Foreign companies with an obligation in Denmark need to appoint an Authorised Representative.

The underlying legislations are the Danish Environmental Protection Act no. 48 of 12/01/2024 on amendment to Environmental Protection Act, the Order no. 466 of 16/05/2024  on registration for packaging and the Packaging Order no 1271 of 0670672021 on certain requirements for packaging

For support of your registration, please contact us.

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